domenica 11 agosto 2013

The dark sides of Italy (part one)

I'm sorry but today post will not be about make up , fashion or else but i want talk about a topic really close to my heart .
I would like to dedicate some posts to my country...Italy...there's a lot to talk but i will try my best  to show you the italy from the inside ,not Italy  known in the movies , not  Italy about fashion or football or in a difficoult economic/political situation etc etc but something more deep ... the italians! 
I do have really few italian friends ( i can count them with one hand) and not just because i'm a very selective person about friendship  ( i prefer few friends whose i can trust instead of having a lot of poker face friends) but also because i prefer hang out with asians guys (strangely i feel more confortable than with italians ) best friend is korean and i also have a lot of chinese friends,But this is not common in italy ,at the opposite i'm considered a weirdo just because i've asians friends!
Two things you have to know about italians:

 1)They do have a really closed mind towards people from others country! Of course there are exceptions but are really few .The  new generation is changing with time, step by step but there's still a lot to do .
 "Unknown" always has scared us...but i have found out that can be also lovely , beautifull, amazing...yeah well ...i'm a very curious person , i love meet people from other country and travel around the world through their eyes ,it's so fascinating for me ( ops! i think i forgot "daydreaming expert" in my description LOL >.<) btw let's go on ..

2) Italians consider themselves : "the best " .
They do have a lot of self confidence  ( even sometimes without reasons) ,they are the most fashion, the most passionate,the most beauty, the most "in everything " ...and i can't really stand it (my chinese friends always tell me that i'm more asian than them
Expecially towards asians ( for italians there's no difference between chinese,koreans,japanese etc ...they are all "chinese " ) they believe themselves be  "superiors". If you ask to an italian : "what do you think about chinese ? " he will answer  " they are ugly,dirty and take away jobs  .. "and other mean things without probably  had never known any chinese in their all life -.-". A lot of prejudices that i don't understand.
A lot of people nowadays do use samsung, buy products" made in china" , like the song  "oppa gangnam style" ...but still asians are not appreciated like it should be, that's why even if in italy there are a lot of chinese ,italy and chinese are still so separate :-( . This situation really make me sad ...I hope that with time it will improve ,i really hope it with all my hear...
What do you think about it ? How is it in your country ? Let me know in the comment box below i would really appreciate it...
With love <3

This is my bf...beautiful isn't she?

I wish to born korean in my next life <3

3 commenti:

  1. Ciao Mary! Sono sempre Anna, ed ho letto il tuo post (pensavo di essere scarsa in inglese invece sono abbastanza brava perchè ho capito tutto *so proud of me* ahhahahah, oppure hai scritto dei vocaboli semplici, in quel caso Gumawooo!) comunque è vero,noi italiani ci sentiamo migliori in tutto e anche io in passato pensavo che fossero tutti uguali... come si suol dire "non giudicare il libro dalla copertina" e io sto leggendo questo libro :) Ahh ti invidio un sacco,
    anche a me piacerebbe avere qualche amica asiatica! :) continua così che io ti seguo

  2. Come sei carina grazie *.* cmq purtroppo è così , anche io sono cresciuta sentendomi dire che i cinesi sono tutti uguali , gialli , sporchi e chi più ne ha più ne metta ...poi pian piano conoscendoli per davvero mi sono resa conto che la gente giudica ciò che neppure conosce , e la cosa mi manda davvero in bestia ! perchè sono persone di una gentilezza e cordialità indescrivibile ! Molti dei miei amici cinesi per esempio , non hanno davvero una buona concezione di noi italiani , perchè magari sempre stati emarginati o derisi per essere cinesi o cmq asiatici ..quando sentivo quelle storie ti giuro che provavo una profonda vergogna e tristezza :-( Grazie per aver letto il mio post nonostante l'inglese *.* mi impegnerò per scrivere bilingue d'ora in poi ^.^ baciniiiiii <3

  3. posso immaginare -.-" che odioooo grrr !!!quando sento queste cose mi vergogno di essere italiana :-( io sarei davvero felice di esser tua amica ^.^ a differenza dei miei compaesani io preferisco di gran lunga la compagnia asiatica ^.^ ti sto seguendo sia su blogger che su bloglovin aggiungimi a fb se ti va mi farebbe piacere scambiare quattro chiacchiere ogni tanto :3 <3
